Session 04

Jul 25, 2021    Louie Giglio

It’s sometimes easy to be persuaded to do something or to change something about our lives. Advertisers bank on that happening. In this portion of Colossians, Paul cautions the Colossian church to not be led astray by false teaching. Instead, they should find their foundation in Jesus and His gospel.

Main Idea:
Since Jesus brought us from death to life and triumphed over every authority, we can now live rooted in Christ, unswayed by a false gospel, and abundant in faith.

Head Change:
To know that we’ve been brought from death to life by the power of Jesus and we can now live in a way that reflects His authority.

Heart Change:
To feel confident in the truth of the gospel so that we can stand firm in Christ without being persuaded by a false gospel.

Life Change:
To live a life that reflects the new life we’ve been given in Christ with a strong foundation in Him so that we can stand firm in our faith.