Lesson 3

Feb 27, 2022    Francis Chan

Main Idea: When we begin to recognize our sin, we can see Jesus as our savior and begin to obey him.

Head Change: To understand that only Jesus offers the relief all of humanity longs for.

Heart Change: To feel genuine relief through the forgiveness Jesus offers.

Life Change: To begin to obey as a result of Jesus’s forgiveness.

No one reaches the point of rejecting God overnight. Francis left this week’s video session asking us to consider the trajectory of our lives. Are we willing to say, “I’m done being a people pleaser, I’m going to please God”? Jesus demands a decision. He leaves no room for ambivalence—we are either with him or we oppose him. There is no in-between. Jesus is looking for followers who recognize their sin, submit to his authority, and follow him into life.

We’ve had a chance to look at the sin in our lives and confess it to God. We’ve looked at the areas where we fight God for control and worked to surrender those to him.

But as we saw with the paralytic, the disciples, and the man with the withered hand, Jesus offers life too. He expects us to offer him all of our lives and in return he offers us all of his life.

Jesus has come to offer you life. How will you respond? Resistance, or surrender?

Will you follow him into abundant life? What will that look like this week?