Lesson 7

Mar 27, 2022    Francis Chan

Main Idea: Because of his unique power as creator, Jesus renews and restores what sin and darkness broke.

Head Change: To understand Jesus’s character and mission.

Heart Change: To feel excited at Jesus’s ability to equip us to follow him.

Life Change: To live in light of our knowledge of who Jesus is and what he’s about.

Throughout our passage this week, Jesus has been teaching the disciples important lessons about not only what he’s doing in the world, but also how he wants them to live. Mark gives us a repeated set of stories to double-down on the point—discipleship is all about living the way Jesus lived.

But living in faithful obedience to Jesus starts with surrendering our hearts to him. Francis reminded us that it’s not so much about what we do, but more about the condition of our hearts.

As we conclude today’s lesson, take a moment as a group to be silent before God. Have you allowed Jesus to change your heart? What areas of your life are you still holding on to? If you feel comfortable doing so, have a few people share with the group.