Lesson 2
Main Idea: As disciples who follow Jesus Christ, we are called to surrender every aspect of our lives completely to him.
Head Change: To understand that true discipleship requires a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Heart Change: To feel motivated toward obedience by his love, not our guilt.
Life Change: To surrender every aspect of our lives to the Holy Spirit’s transforming work.
Mark wants us to see the full implications of Jesus, the Son of God, come to earth. The kingdom of God has begun in the hearts of those who choose to say yes to him. Followers of Jesus are world- changers but in an upside-down way— just like the one they follow. Jesus displayed his authority in ways that served the undesirable, the lowly, the outcast. He healed, he restored, he cleansed—all of the miracles we see in this opening scene of his ministry are directed to those outside the establishment. God shows no favoritism, and neither should we.
If we truly want to follow Jesus, we will love those he loves and serve those he was willing to serve. A healthy church is pursuing justice, lifting up the poor, coming alongside the hurting. Examine what you are doing personally to demonstrate the care of Jesus to those in need.