Lesson 9

Apr 9, 2022    Francis Chan

Main Idea: The world’s view of power differs drastically from Jesus’s example of the king coming to sacrifice and serve.

Head Change: To understand that Jesus’s view of power flips the world’s view on its head.

Heart Change: To feel peace in the midst of persecution, knowing Jesus is with us.

Life Change: To shape our day-to-day lives to always be prepared for Jesus’s return.

The path of discipleship will not be our “best life now.” Jesus gave us fair warning that following him would require sacrifice, involve suffering, and change our hearts completely. Jesus wants us to shape our lives to look like his—giving of ourselves every day in sacrificial love. That takes intentional thought every minute of the day.

We serve a servant-king. Jesus came not to lord his power over us but to serve us with every scrap of his life. He asks that we follow him and do the same, always prepared to receive him when he returns.